Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yesterday a few co-workers and I went to KFC for lunch to experience the launch of the Double Down. As visible in the picture, it's a cheese & bacon sandwich with fried fillets in the place of bread... basically, my ideal snack.

However, there is a big difference between how KFC photographs this item and how it actually shows up in your paper bag. The cheese was only barely melted in the very middle between the hottest parts of the fillets (forget the edges) and was tasteless to the point of being unidentifiable, the bacon was sparse (although I didn't actually want it), and the special sauce (a zesty mayonnaise) was even harder to find. All this aside, after getting a side of the special sauce it was delicious, obvi. It was also ENORMOUS. I do not think I will be switching from my usual 3 Crispy Strip Meal order.

More amazing than the sandwich, however, was what I learned during lunch. First and most shocking - the KFC in Rogers, AR has an unlimited buffet. EEEEWWWWW. I love KFC and even I think that DISGUSTING. And it was full of Amish men - so, so random.

Secondly, I was the only person in a group of 8 relatively normal people that was not a HFFU. A HFFU, as explained by my co-worker who came from Yum! brands, is a Heavy Fast Food User - someone who eats fast food at least 2 times a week. As I said, I'm a fan of KFC, but I go maybe once every 2-3 months - I'm not crazy.

Thirdly, McDonald's is the only fast food place whose sales are split 30/30/30 breakfast/lunch/dinner. Which means people eat that crap for dinner. This info may turn me off fast food forever. Aided by the stomach ache I still have 36 hours later.

1 comment:

  1. you are the first/only person I know who has actually tried this instead of just talking shit. you are a true gastronomical pioneer.
